Tainted Love

M I N I . B I O : : : :


T H E . C A S T : : : :

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

New template; <3 align="left">
It's been around a month since my last enry so it's about time I updated. I need to start thinkin happy thoughts. I'm becoming quite the cynic. Anyway, some nice things that have happened since the last time I blogged. Let me try this in chronological order.
1) PHR
Turned out quite fine. More people turned up than we expected. It was actually okay la but Cikgu Pitrah didn't seem to think that way so it kinda dampened the mood a little.
Dicky wearing Sitz's heels. So so gay :D

After that we went to Hilmi's house to Jalan Raya a little since we were already wearing our raya clothes. I had to leave early to go watch a Twist of Fate with family and the rest went off without me. Oh well, you can't have too much of a good thing.

The show was quite good. I loved the twist. It had a bit of everything; singing, dancing, romance, comedy, drama and mystery. Ooooh.
My first time going there since sec1. I met the rest late with Fatin. Heh. Nothing much has changed but they have the haunted house and it was SPOOKY! Throughout the whole time we were walking(running, rather) through, we were screaming ourselves hoarse. Except the guys of course. They hardly blinked. I found someone who's even more scared than I am of the rides and she is Fatin. It kinda relaxes you when you're with someone who's more scared than you are. Haha. Oh and I almost died in a freak go-cart thing. But I'm still alive so I'll spare the details. Hoho.
Sabbie Darling is such a great movie karkee. Thanks babe for dating me. We watched 2 great movies;

Just Like Heaven

Pride & Prejudice

I loved both. Really. Unfotunately both times, we were stuck with idiots for an audience. Boo to them. But still they were really good. Even for Pride & Prejudice which I was a bit sceptical about because I have the BBC version which is around 4 hours or more with COLIN FIRTH(!). But, it proved me wrong and was quite a good version considering that it was half the time of the BBC one. Which means that the Straits Times movie critics were WRONG. It is not too modernised.

Okay. I can't think of what else to write. Just a few random things like; I'm inspired to start gourmet Italian cooking. To start making my own clothes (winks to Sab). To become a make-up artist. To design my own template. To get rid of this stupid eczema. (I swear it's getting worse. How many more doctors do I have to go to see? Any recommendations?) And I shall do all in my own time.


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